Friday, March 28, 2008


If you can't tell, I'm not sure whether to be happy/thrilled/excited or terrified/panicked/upset. In the last day or so I keep finding myself starting to think YAY but it turns into YIKES. My big countdown just got about a week knocked off it. Should be fabulous news but since I'm such a procrastinator (thanks Mom), I am panicking because I have so much to get done before he gets here! Everyone keeps asking what I could possibly have to do that I'm this stressed. Well here's most of my list:

1. dishes (half done)
2. vacuum (only bedroom left to do)
3. shampoo carpets
4. wash his clothes (they get a little funky after just sitting for 15 months)
5. wash my clothes that have piled up on me
6. put all washed clothes away
7. wash and clean out truck (love that spring is here but HATE the pollen!) Thank God for rain that washed the pollen away!!!
8. get brake light fixed (apparently WAS fixed when in for oil change)
9. clean off patio furniture of lovely pollen
10. stock the fridge
11. plan meals to make for once he's back
12. clean bathrooms (half done)
13. get hair trimmed
14. get my cell phone turned back on so he can have his back
15. get his trunk from the post office
16. other miscellaneous errands (half done)
17. make signs/posters for Green Ramp and house (bought supplies just need to make them)


Mrs. Guthrie said...

*lol* Get crackin' girl! :) Glad he'll be home earlier, though!!!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Yay! Good progress. :)