Friday, April 13, 2007

last major purchase/deal

It's been 2 weeks now since I got this:

I went to outlet stores with a friend and we were looking around this kitchen store and saw these in a back corner. It's "refurbished" but apparently that means they sent it out and had someone use it on a trial basis for 6 mos at the most and then they make sure they are still like new and resell them. I was convinced when a lady nearby said she had bought a refurbished one years ago and hadn't had a single problem. It's the 5 qt Artisan one and was marked $199 but then the store did 10% military discount! And it's BLUE. I love it. Unfortunately have only had the time/motivation to use it once so far (water bagels, thanks Erin).


mira said...

yay for kitchenaids!! definitely the most used appliance in my kitchen, other than perhaps the stove. and that is a crazy good deal for an artisan series, way to go!

Bug and Eye said...

oooh! That's the one I've been drooling over!!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

Don't you love it? If I had to choose ONE appliance in my kitchen, it would probably be that. I would just build a fire to cook with or something, I love it THAT much!!

Hannah said...

I love to look at it. :-) But I'm sure I'll really love it when I used it some more. I need to get my kitchen clean and have the energy/time to make more stuff with it. I am thinking of buying the ice cream maker attachment. I love homemade ice cream and have been wanting ice cream all the time!

Mrs. Guthrie said...

J's parents have the ice cream attachment for theirs and LOVE it! You just put the ingredients in, turn it on and go - beats dealing with the ice and all that. Plus it makes "half" a batch so it is more condusive to smaller parties (i.e. less than a dozen :) )

Hannah said...

Yay!! A good review of the ice cream attachment. How does the ice cream turn out, I'm hoping for a nice smooth soft serve.